REST @ Bioware

This page describes how to programatically access data and services from


The base url is :
The program takes the option uniprotid as a requiered parameter.

Therefore a sample query would look like

A text file with the SLiMPrints results will be returned.


SLiMSearch is available to search for motifs in protein sequences.
The base url is :

It takes the following arguments:
  • motif="RegEx" where RegEx is the regular expression representation of the motif.
  • uniprotid : one ID from a UniProt entry
  • taxonid=9606 where 9606 should be replaced with the taxon Id from NCBI of your search species.
  • orthdb=Orthdb where Orthdb can be ref, metazoa, fungi, trypanosomes, viridiplantae, apicomplexa, amoebozoa, archaea, bacteria. Default is ref, which is the uniprot reference proteomes dataset.
  • filename is the name of the results file that will be returned otherwise the default filename of slimsearchresults + motif name will be returned.
Therefore a sample query would look like"[KRHQSAP][DENQT]EL$"

motif is the only required parameter.


The Bioware's Slimfinder server is out of date. we recomment to use the REST server hosted by the EdwardsLab at UNSW

under the "Run REST server job" area enter slimfinder in the "Prog:" box and enter sequence UNIPROT accessions IDs and options in the options box

Prog: slimfinder Options: uniprotid=Q90372,Q14108,P11344&dismask=T

Disorder masking (dismask=T) is very strongly recommended. Other options are also available and described under the SLIMBuild and SLiMChance tabs of the documentation (


The base url is

CompariMotif takes the following arguments:
  • motifs=RegEx_RegEx_..._RegEx, where RegEx is the regular expression representation of the motif.
  • cfmotifs=RegEx_RegEx_..._RegEx OR searchdb=elm/mnm/phm/lit/com/com_nophos/ned/all (exclusive OR)
  • cytoscape=t/f (optional, default value=f). If set to True, the xgmml is returned. If not, the tdt file is returned.
Therefore a sample query would look like[KR]_KK{2,3}&searchdb=ned&cytoscape=t

motifs is required parameter.


The base url is

The program takes the option uniprotid as an option.

Therefore to access a particular UniProt entry you would call the following url
A text file with the PeptideLocator bioactivity scores will be returned. It is possible to programmatically access this url however, we would ask that you wait 30 seconds between each call to the server.


The base url is

The program takes the option uniprotid as an option.

Therefore to access a particular UniProt entry you would call the following url
A text file with the SLiMPred scores will be returned. It is possible to programmatically access this url however, we would ask that you wait 30 seconds between each call to the server.


Gopher is accessible for downloading pre-computed alignments contrusted using Gopher.
The base url for gopher is

It takes the following arguments: uniprotid(UniProt) and taxonid(NCBI) in the following format uniprotid=P04637&taxonid=9606
You can also just enter the uniprot id:, and we will fetch the taxonid from the uniprot entry.

It is also possible to download the newick format tree for each alignment using the type=tree parameter. We also provide scores for each protein used in slimsearch and these are available using the type=scores parameter.

In the future we will also be making different alignments available for particular groups of species: These will take the option orthdb=
'ref' = Uniprot Reference Proteomes
'metazoa' = Uniprot Complete Proteomes Metazoan class
'fungi' = Uniprot Complete Proteomes Fungi Class
'trypanosomes' = Trypanosomes Complete Proteomes Class
'viridiplantae' = Plants Complete Proteomes Class
'apicomplexa' = Apicomplexa Complete Proteomes
'amoebozoa' = Ameobozoa Complete Proteomes
'archaea' = Archaea Complete Proteomes
'bacteria' = Bacteria Complete Proteomes